The Story of a Bath

You know what? As wonderful as milestones, holidays, big vacations and events are, that's not where I find myself the happiest and most inspired. I find myself my very happiest during the normal buzz of our everyday lives.


Like when Madi picked Chloe up and said "I can pick her up because I'm her BIG sister! And I'll be able to pick her up when she's 18 because I'll be 19!" We need to work on her math there. ;) 


And these precious little baby curls I know she's going to outgrow soon. *Insert crying emoji*

And how delighted they both are when I "taste" their cookies and cakes. 

Buuut I'd totally be lying if I didn't mention the other parts of our real life, like how I probably got more mad during this bath than I had all day long because they started doing naughty things like drinking bath water and dumping crazy amounts of water all over the floor. Something about me pulling out my camera makes them think they can do whatever they want. Maybe because I keep taking pictures while yelling them to stop? :P

And how I had to give myself a time out in my room after we were done because I just needed to breathe in silence for a minute. But that's part of it! That's part of our story. Without the sacrifices and hard parts of life, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good, wonderful, beautiful parts.

Because even while they are making me want to pull my hair out, these two girls (and their daddy) make me happier than I've ever been. And I want to remember all of it.